
Qurs Bawasir Khas

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Effective in both types of piles. Stops bleeding.


Each 1 g tablet contains:

Alumen (Phitkari) 100 mg

Berberis aristata, Purified (Rassaut) 200 mg

Red Ochre (Geru) 600 mg.

Binding Agent & Preservative q.s.

INDICATIONS : Hemorrhoids (internal & external).



DOSAGE : 2 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach or at night with water.

DIETARY ADVICE : Prevent constipation, avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy and fried food. Avoid sitting for a long duration on hard surface, eating dry and stale food, smoking, putting pressure during defecation and consumption of canned food. Consume green leafy vegetables and fruits which add roughage. Sleep well in nights, maintain oral and anal hygiene, and reduce weight. Eat a high fibre diet, and drink plenty of water.

PRESENTATION : In packs of 40 tablets. 

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