

An emotionally disrupting influence or tension

Persons most commonly affected: Young people and adults of both sexes.
Organ or part of body involved: Nervous system
Symptoms and indications: People under stress are typically anxious, tense and moody. There may be skin rashes, stomach pain, diarrhoea, wheezing, changes in periods, headache, back pain or trouble having sex.
Causes and risk factors: May be caused by a variety of factors both outside the body and within. External factors include loud noises, blinding lights, extreme heat or cold, x-rays and other forms of radiation, drugs, chemicals, and inadequate nutrition. The factors from within the body include hate, envy, fear or jealousy.
Prevention: Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, sugar, salt and fat. Eat a meal high in carbohydrates and fiber. Eat more vegetables. Important nutrients in the anti stress diet include zinc, which can be found in seafood such as oysters, whole wheat, nuts, seeds, eggs and lean meats. If you are not sensitive to dairy products, include cheese and yogurt in your anti stress diet. Avoid all refined, burnt, barbecued and fried food.